One of a kind

Created by paul 9 years ago
I first "met" Steve via a magazine article that was so far back in time I cannot recall which one it was. Even in print you could sense Steve was a bit different, one article led to another and then I phoned him for a bit of advice and got an overdose of knowledge and common sense crammed in 20/30 min call.

I promised to pop in to say hello in person and that was the beginning of a long and happy friendship. Steve was truly a live wire, he give his opinions like his advice, fast, very direct and free from personal benefit. He was great fun to argue and gossip with, his razor sharp mind was matched by an equally razor sharp tongue, and even when I strongly objected with his view point the banter was always good humoured.

At one stage I had six of his rods including a few no nonsense custom builds and I have kept one as a keepsake, plus I have signed copies of his books and a study and garage of bits and pieces but most of all I have great memories of one of lifes better people. Steve was generous, funny, smart and far too honest to have been in business or politics.

Missed but never forgotten, till the next time Paul B