Steve, 'The Bluesman'

Created by dennisrigg 10 years ago
I was one of the many lucky people who met Steve at the annual summer Blues Weeks at Northampton University. Not only could he play the harmonica, Steve could entertain with it - but then he could equally entertain those in his company with nothing more than his gravelly voice and his unique outlook on life. His irreverence was legendary, and I could only feel sympathy for his political opponents, as he did! But to those of us who shared music-making with him, Steve was generous, warm, funny and knowledgeable - and great company. The late night jams always featured Steve with his whisky-filled thermos flask in one hand, harmonica in the other, mainly talking and laughing, regularly swigging and occasionally demonstrating an amazing ability to express his personality through his idiosyncratic playing and singing, specialising as only he would, in the music of Peg Leg Sam. You will be missed, Steve, but will always remembered, particularly late at night when we're jamming, when a glass will be raised to you. Dennis Rigg