
Created by jason 11 years ago
As the 'gaffer' at Toft Newton Fishery for what seems like forever, I have to say how privileged I feel to have known Steve. My first contact with him was way back in the mid eighties when I won a 'Trout Fisherman' junior fly tying comp. at he age of 14 and picked up a voucher from SPARTON. I spoke to Steve and he duly sent a box full of goodies, well chuffed!! During the nineties and now employed at Toft I was lucky enough to share many of his Saturdays, when he and Jim would arrive and Steve would fill me in on how good his Damon's breakfast was!! Towards the end of the nineties, whilst divulging breakfast tales he would stand and practice his golf swing too, most off putting to my other fishermen who had to try and remember what they were supposed to be up to! Always a joy to deal with, both professionally and personally, forthright and as down to earth as they come. I speak on behalf of Toft customers past and present when I say 'we'll miss you Mr.P!' My thoughts are with Steve's family and his best buddy Jim x